“1984” or “Brave New World?” These are two dystopic visions of the future by two distinctive British authors that came up this morning - but I’m not going there. No, not for now anyway. The Quiet Voice has been too dark lately, and we must always let the sunshine in. It is always out there somewhere, is it not?
Maybe for next time, then, but for right now let’s think about something as light and fluffy as grandma’s angel food cake: Covid 19; Corona; The Wuhan Flu; The Pangola Pandemic; The Ventilator Virus. By any name, still as sweet. Yes, let’s turn our minds towards it, but not towards the symptoms or deaths or politics or Dr. Fauci or Brix or the vaccines or any of that ugly stuff. Rather, let’s look at how it has changed certain habits of life – particularly of my life. Even more to the point, let’s look at how it has changed me from a common loud mouth to an idiot. Let me explain as well as I still can:
Too much TV. Yes, I know it was called the “Great Wasteland” back in the 1950’s, and that disdain for television has been the effete intellectuals’ way of showing the unwashed masses how superior they are, but really, I have proof as to its dark subterfuge: a current personal IQ hovering at “moron” level (on the old scale that included “idiot” and “imbecile,” now thought to be insensitive. They should have added “dumb ass”). Smarter people would demand a real test, but I don’t need one. Like most of us living at the animal level, I can sense my low IQ, just as your favorite dog can sense the hostility of the murderer, without need for words or thought or scientific verification. Yes, I have gotten even stupitter and dumbitter than I was just a few months ago; to be exact, since April of 2020; to be explicit, since after the first “flatten the curve” phase of the global Corona Crisis cluster fudge. And to be precise and absolutely to the point, since I started watching TV every night, instead of reading “Fun with Dick and Tiffany” (current version, with Dick and Tiffany interchangeable) or other deep volumes pursuant to my intellectual capabilities.
Like the drunk who wakes up in an alley covered in his own vomit, I discovered just how low I had sunk this last weekend, in my living room, aka TV room, no less. There was no vomit or evidence of rats, but there was the blinking tube before me that had just finished beaming another no-holds-barred violent movie with lots of drugs and soft-porn nudity. I had chosen it all by myself, and that is the avenue through which I discovered my fallen state: being by myself. Before, my wife would have censored such garbage, but she had gone with my son for a four-day visit with her mother in Mississippi in the nursing home, she another victim of ‘Da Covid.’ Such freedom as I had of the house once allowed the young Tom Cruise to throw a massive party for the ‘hood, and who knows what kind of things and situations other men thus freed might do, but I chose to watch TV ‘my way.’ Yes, nothing but my way, all my fault. It was then, after the credits of that trashy movie were fading into oblivion, when I woke up to the degradation I had allowed to enter my life. It is a fortunate thing that God forgives even the worst of sinners or my discovery would have thrown me into the depths of despair, if not into the depths of Hell itself.
I now sit contritely, properly chastened. It is said: “Reprove not an arrogant man, lest he hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you” (Proverbs, 9: 8), and we have all learned from the movie “Being There” that even a dimwit like Chauncey Gardiner can not only become wise, but walk on water. So, if being un-arrogant can open the door of reason for even a stupid man, then I have hope for improvement. OK, not to walk on water, but maybe to become a little less stupider.
So it is that I paid heed to those words of wisdom and now give thanks to what is left of my mind, that deep inner place beyond my poor capabilities, which can still think so clearly. “Cast from the couch that clicker!” it demanded, “and do as you did before! Remember?” I could not, so clouded was my walnut-sized mind, so it reminded me, “Read! If you must, read a coloring book with a handful of pretty crayons, but read! You are being filled with the fevered dreams of old drunken Hollywood writers and the propaganda of recent know-it-all college grads, both guided by the shrewd manipulations of money-making producers. They give you first want you want, then what they want, and then take from you what we all want (money and power, for those who also watch too much TV). Covid has allowed them, those who want something from you, to lead you around by a nose ring made of TV sitcoms, news casts, late night talk shows, and cable series. You have become afraid, disconnected, depressed, and, by God, you are getting fatter by the day from a vast excess of beer and snacks” (that last hurt). “Heed me, stupid [that word again] child!”
And so I have, or at least have tried my pathetic best, reducing my TV to only one news show (Fox – why not?) a night and one cable series – “The Expanse” – a week. I have picked up an old mystery novel, and although the plot seems beyond my mental prowess, all those words hitting my aching head all at once, I already do not hate myself quite as much as I did – and this since only Sunday! Even more: I am beginning to understand something else of what Wisdom told me, although only dimly as it squishes around in the damp recesses of my skull like the cube in the Magic Eight Ball. Yes, I am beginning to see that those TV people are kinda like all those other people who like money and power - you know, like politicians and newspaper owners and all of those bigshots behind our computer screens. Like a dim light flickering far off in the fog, I am beginning to get the sense that we are all being sub-programmed, taken down from our lofty average IQ’s of 100 to something a little more manageable, where everything is based on immediate gratification and fleeting sparks of emotion that give us no time for reflection. Oh, these ideas hurt my head, and I’m afraid I might be punished by those smarter than me, but those troublesome thoughts won’t let up.
It might be that I am getting smarter. I have almost turned off the tube and am now beginning to ponder thoughts, as the reader can see. The change makes me feel like I’m spilling forth from the womb, or more precisely, tumbling out of a large animal’s behind, dropping with a resounding “plop” onto solid ground again. It is an unpleasant experience, but I now realize it must be done, or, to extend the metaphor more than a smart person would, the animal will swell up and die (we being both animal and turd. Yes, that hurts my head too).
Never before had I thought that wisdom might work something like an enema, but that is apparently what we need – a deep inner cleansing that will allow the light to shine in, or, more in line with our cramped and contorted metaphor, to at least prevent us from further bloating. It is a long course of correction, and the great forces of evil – our information and entertainment dispensers – are continually sweetening the candy and cranking up the butter at the concession stand. The diet is getting worse and worse, and the bloating will continue until we go outside, cast off our masks, and take a hike with a friend or spouse and notice the weather, the birds, the snow, the movement of clouds across the moon, all those things greater than anything even the smart people among us can create, or take away. Yes, we must go out and take a walk, to see and ponder and talk about those things around us that are not subject to the plots and schemes of those who want so much –and then everything – from us.
“Go, then, beyond even trusted tomes” says that great inner voice, “and increase your diet of real-life companionship and real-life experiences and then see what happens.” I know, I know, we probably won’t be able to walk on water, but we will get back a sense not only of Being There but of being here, now, alive, thinking and engaged as we were born to do. And - not to dwell on it too much – I am assured by the Great Voice that by so doing, we most certainly will lose our problem bloating and feel “regular” again.