Now, Cal Roeker will have noticed my arrogance towards science above, which was intentional - more for fun than anything else - but perhaps it was my interpretation of Seth yesterday that made him sound arrogant. From my viewpoint, Seth is anything but arrogant. He is a teacher, and teaches like a well-disciplined science teacher - no brag, just fact. His note - he has made several of these notes - about the inability of science to detect some of the phenomena he describes, is simply a teaching moment. We can assume right off the bat that few of us would naturally get what Seth is saying. He is only adding that even our science, which is up to a higher standard, cannot get this stuff because it is beyond the boundaries of our reality as we collectively understand it. I often note that the standard ego (mine included) purposefully excludes many influences. This is because the ego usually is concerned more with survival in this reality - that is its purpose. That it often becomes a tyrant in this regard is a natural offshoot. But this is not to say that the ego is necessarily "bad", and certainly not that it is useless. It, the ego, simply oversteps its need in determining our perception of reality. And that is what science often does.
But science IS better in this way than the ego, and can go further - we have discussed quantum physics here with all its amazing, unbelievable possibilities. Still, there are some avenues that are not open to science. God, for instance; realities based on things or senses of feelings, whatever they may be, that are simply outside testable limits. This is not downplaying science, anymore than saying that men cannot become pregnant is downplaying men. It is simply not its nature.
As to why the author, Jane Roberts (although the author of this book is supposedly Seth, but legally, it is Roberts) is open to Seth and Cal and I and most of us readers are not - that is a potentially complicated matter. People like Roberts may have been born with this inclination, as some are born with an inclination towards mathematics or sports. They might also have had an experience - a near death experience, or simply an encounter with a mystic - that has opened them to this type of path, which they then pursued. But what Seth and just about any person experienced will tell you is that YOU can do this stuff, too. It is a matter of concentration and meditation, with certain known methods to follow. Everyone has access to these. There are books on Christian meditation and prayer, on Indian meditation, on vision quests, hypnosis, shamanic travel - a whole slew of things that Cal can pursue if he wishes. But pursue it he must. For most of us, it will not find us - with no effort, the easiest path for our superficial conscious to take is to take no different route.
A final note: as has been stated before, Seth tells us that these multiple selves and so on are happening to us as we speak, regardless of our waking awareness. You, Cal, are as complex as that friend of yours, but you do not take note of it. You, Cal, have universes acting within you beyond your wildest imaginings, and they are affecting you right now - only you are not aware. But, as stated, you can become aware if you wish. But I often go back to that Zen Buddhist who said, "Of the spiritual path: better not to start; if started, better to finish." Maybe you don't want the responsibility of an expanded consciousness. Many psychic or mystical types wish they were normal - that is, unperturbed by these other realities that make them social misfits. So choose your path wisely. FK