Way back in the time machine, I wrote a paper about millennial movements. ‘Millennium’ comes from the Latin word for 1,000, and somehow – maybe it is just natural for us – it has become a magic number. The Third Reich would rule for a thousand years, the New Kingdom on earth before the Final Judgment will last a thousand years, and so on. This was taken to heart by the people in medieval Europe as the first Millennium approached. Thousands marched in cities flagellating themselves to atone for sins, while other areas were taken over and turned into communes – until the kings brought in their armies. Just 24 years ago, we experienced millennial fever, although with less dramatic actions taken. So in tune with our era, we were told that computers would crash and the complex interconnected world of today would temporarily halt. We were told to stock drinking water and some non-perishable food items, and many of us did. It passed, but shortly afterwards we had notices of the end of the Mayan calendar, when the old world order would collapse and the new come into being. We found that this did not happen, at least not immediately. Some think that perhaps it is happening right now in a more subtle fashion.
We can argue that one, but there is something occurring now that is very much like a millennial movement that does not adhere to the magic of numbers. It is called the Illumination of Conscience, and it is every bit as life-changing and apocalyptic as any millennial movement. Further, I do believe it to be true.
This is not from wishful thinking. This event will be traumatic, to say the least, and I have no assurance that I or any of my family will be of the elect who survive, at least spiritually. I DO want a great change in the world, but it is not from a naïve desire to live in a utopian paradise. With what is happening now in the moral, social, and technological realms of humanity, I believe drastic change is necessary for our survival, change that must happen NOW, as in the next few years. It is here where environmentalists, sociologists, and the die-hard religious meet, however different are their motives.
My perspective includes all three. We do know that the family is breaking apart and crime and mental illnesses are increasing at an alarming rate; we also know that the natural environment is under an unsustainable threat; and most of those in religious and spiritual circles are alarmed at the fraying of traditional morality. While government is involved in attempting to solve the former two, so apparently is God involved in the latter. Thanks to persistent and consistent Marian apparitions, undeniable miracles, and a slew of minor prophets claiming with astonishing proof that they are being used by holy figures to speak to us, we have been brought to understand that spiritual forces are at work to improve us. This includes not only morality but everything before we bring it all down by our own blind ignorance and selfishness. These religious voices tell us that this will culminate in what has come to be called the Illumination of Conscience.
What is this Illumination of Conscience? Note that the focus is not on “conscious” as in a New Age elevation of perception, but rather on conscience, the moral aspect of our being. However, with the elevation of conscience will come a profound elevation of consciousness. For a better understanding of what this means, I will begin by using a quote from The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience, by Christine Watkins (2020):
“…we will all have an experience during which we will be shown the truth of our lives from A to Z without the possibility of self - justification – a game at which, if we are honest about it, we are all specialists… Our conscience will have been “illuminated” to see these strategies as the moral smokescreen that they are.” (pg 15)
That is not all; beforehand, the earth will descend in the darkness. This will soon be followed by an appearance of two celestial objects that will streak through the darkness towards each other and collide, causing a light twice as bright as the sun in the day, and as bright as day at night. A cross with the risen (glorified) Jesus will then appear in the brightened sky for about one week during which we see will the truth about ourselves in every detail, as mentioned above. We will see every time during our lives when we have hurt another, and feel exactly as that person felt; and we will recall every unkind thought we have ever had and shown how that negatively impacted the world. We will be left to judge ourselves, and in most cases (this is my guess) we will call ourselves unworthy of eternal perfection. Then we will be offered a deal: we can either repent and be saved, or rebel and condemn ourselves to hell. It must be noted that this is not the End Times as some have come to understand, but a reprieve, a halt to our slide into ignorance and world-wide destruction. After this event, the world will continue, except at a more blessed and peaceful pace.
Some of this is very unpleasant stuff, yes, and also very explicitly old-timey Christian, and as such might be taken with a grain of salt, if not a bucket-load. The only problem with this dismissal is that there have been, and continue to be, dozens, if not hundreds, of accounts by people throughout the world who are saying the same thing. Many of these people are semi-literate who have little knowledge of the outside world and even less of what is currently being written. The book cited above quotes many of these people, often noting that many of their visions were and are accompanied by miracles.
I have been to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina where miracles, such as healings, have occurred by the thousands. I have also read and personally heard from the visionaries there (all of whom were children when the visions and messages of the Holy Virgin began) that they have been told much the same thing about the coming event. Further, they also tell us that we must pray and attempt to perfect ourselves, for the shock of this event on the ignorant and the unwilling may be so great as to kill them by the millions. Although we will all have an illumination of conscience when we die – it has been called the “life review” for at least two hundred years – this will be far more terrifying in the flesh. More so, these and other visionaries tell us that there is very little time left to prepare.
This is not mere speculation, as thousands have already experienced this illumination. I can personally account myself as one of them on a greatly reduced scale. What has stood out for me during this experience were not so much the sins, which were still excruciating to recall and relive, but rather the beauty that lies within each other living being. The pain of sin, I was meant to understand, is that we have sullied that beauty. I was also shown that many of us live in a personal bubble where most actions are directed towards protecting and advancing the self. Here, many sociologists and psychologists and socio-biologists would agree. This is Darwinism on a personal scale. Such selfishness is built into our DNA and our socialization process (recall the peer pressure and ridicule of our youth). While this might seem indelible, it can be taken from us through grace, encouraged by prayer and faith. Such is this Warning on a grand scale.
Exactly when this will take place is, as always with the ways of God, impossible to pinpoint, but there are more and more indications that it will happen very soon. In Medjugorje, the visionaries were told that it would happen within their lifetimes. As the eldest are nearing 60, we should then expect this to occur within the next 20 or so years. What’s more, many others experiencing locutions and visions from Jesus, angels, and/or the saints have asked about the timing of this event. Most were just told “soon,” but one recently got something a bit more explicit:
“On July 15, 2019, for the first time, Luz de Maria [a noted receiver of messages] was given that answer. Saint Michael the Archangel declared, “This is the generation that will experience the great act of Divine Mercy: THE WARNING…” (from The Warning, pg. 46)
Which generation, we might ask? It is imprecise, yes, but still the event is coming soon, almost certainly within the next 80 years. We are forced to think then: are we prepared? For most, of course not, but perhaps we should get used to the possibility of this event, as crazy as it sounds to the modern techno mind. If we wish, we can tell ourselves that these many warnings on The Illumination are not from God, but from the shared human herd-mind telling us that we must simply change our selfish ways before we perish. Regardless, to achieve a true conversion, we must first become aware of how truly atrocious we are to each other, and of how truly selfish we are in the world at large. And we must do this soon.
What we are dealing with now is more than the threat of war or hydrogen bombs; rather, we are dealing with a threat to the nature of humanity itself. This essential nature could possibly be (nearly) extinguished by the oppressive power of emerging technologies even if we survive in body. I for one do believe that the cause of The Great Illumination is supernatural and I do believe it is coming soon. Even if I am wrong about the supernatural element our need to go within and see ourselves as we truly are is essential if we are to correct our glaring, and now suicidal, behaviors. Whether we can do it without supernatural assistance is doubtful, but even so, we must try. Something greater than our small selves is warning us to listen, learn, and act soon.