Had a revelation of sorts this morning, short and sweet: and that is, that the road to deliverance, to nirvana or heaven, is really right there before us. I got a glimpse of it. At the same time, a voice seemed to say, "so, what are you interested in this for, anyway?" What it meant was clear - there was the road, long and rocky but obvious and ready for use, but - was I ready to take it, to go to the end? To take it, I also realized, was to give up everything else, just as the wise books and people say; but I saw it myself and understood what that meant in a more personal way...
...and so have been in a quandary since. To see the road placed so clearly is a gift - but to take that gift is to make a change of unimaginable proportions. Wasn't it James and Andrew who threw away their nets - and their family - to follow Jesus? Yes, but did they have a wife and children? We have often wondered at such phrases in the Bible, and now I know - they weren't simply metaphors.
We know what road most of us would take - the road to procrastination. I suppose that's what reincarnation is for - you get a few (dozen, perhaps) chances to say "yes."
There is no such thing as "just another morning." FK