In retrospect, while Carreira's work does explain the out of body experience, as consciousness is everywhere, it does not fully explain the Overmind, that gentle wise voice behind our chatty, chaotic daily thoughts. This is the voice that helps; that consoles; and it can lead, when approached with a suspension of disbelief. But why would the universe hold any concern for you or me? Since when does the ocean care if we are caught in its storms or not? If it is all the same, why would the universe care whether we were left to live or to die?
I am reminded again that there is no easy formula for Truth, nor will there ever be. Our arts and religions and myths are gateways, but nothing made by or for man can explain or fully transport us to the final destination. Yes, our full consciousness might be everywhere at every time; yes, the possibilities for experiences are potentially infinite; but the path to the unknowable must pass through death, from which few can return. It is a truth told and written in our greatest myths. They leave us humbled and awed, and in that give us eternal mystery and beauty, but never a formula that can be followed without heart and soul, and without the trust that somehow the universe cares. FK