UFOs! Not too many years ago, many of these essays were dedicated to UFOs and spooky, easy-science versions of quantum physics that dealt, at least obliquely, with UFOs. After reading a dozen or a score or more books on such things, I ran out of angles of discussion. What was left were pretty much the same old arguments wrapped in new paper, leaving one to guess – only guess – at the veracity or sanity of the author. So it was that these essays veered away from things extraterrestrial or extra- dimensional.
Now we are entering what I believe will be a very short-lived period of enhanced excitement over things ET, thanks to a classic porkulus-style addition to a stimulus bill demanding that any covert information on such things be given to our senators by June 1. So the movie “Independence Day” is supposed to be joined with an alien-themed post-Memorial Day. Except that first the suspected long-secret agencies that have such info must respect the order to relinquish their data, which is unlikely except for a few crumbs, and that the Senate committee must then agree to share such crumbs with us, the People. Talk about trickle-down politics. The result will probably be the release of more blurry photos of moving tick-tacks that might be alien craft or might be light refracted from camera lenses or ocean waves. Choose your poison and put on your tin-foil hats.
Maybe it is because of the mini-excitement from the possible revelations, but for some reason my wife and I saw two UFO films on Amazon Prime last week. One was somewhat of an oldy, @2005, titled “The Phoenix Lights,” by Dr. Kitei, which had many photos and interviews concerning the sightings of extremely unusual lights by 10 thousand people or more in the Phoenix area in 1997. The iridescent orbs had an orange inner glow that seemed attached to a vast, mile-long V-shaped vehicle that glided soundlessly over not only Phoenix, but all of central Arizona. Among other things, people almost unanimously stated that any stress or fear they had on seeing the lights went away as they passed over, replacing those feelings with ones of peace and joyful awe. Most perceived intelligence behind the lights (and the possible craft) that was both wise and benevolent. They looked forward to a second coming of sorts (more sightings came afterwards, but what I mean by this, is a closer degree of permanent contact), seeing in the intelligence a possible savior to humankind.
The other was “Close Encounters of the 5th Kind,” centered primarily on the testimonies of Dr. Steven Greer, a true believer who, with his purported and, I suppose, verifiable contacts with government agencies, was very credible – even though he shouldn’t be. His repeated contacts with UFOs, many photographed, as well as his sharing of information with those “black” agencies or officials, has convinced him that what those in Phoenix believe is true: that the UFOs carry an intelligence that is beneficial, even sanctifying, to humankind.
There are two reasons why these films stand out enough to be discussed here: one, that the lights over Phoenix were witnessed by so many credible sources who reported seeing and feeling the same things, almost to the individual, meaning that their unique reality is virtually beyond doubt; and, two, that the documentary involving Dr. Greer put forward such a keen idea on the nature of the ETs that it simply must be discussed, especially here in a website concerned with spiritual issues.
God: such a concept came to mind as Greer and his fellow UFO enthusiasts (I believe they have their own group, but I forget the name) described just what the intelligences behind the UFO’s are. Combining quantum theory with a wide assortment of sightings and encounters – nothing unusual there – they nevertheless were able to convey an extremely difficult concept in an extremely intelligible way. It goes like this: material reality is largely empty, and what is not empty is merely slowed-up energy. Speeded-up energy is immaterial and merges into thought, both existing at a higher-level field of reality. What the ETs are able to do is slip out of the thought-energy field into the slowed-down material field. That is how they get here, either from another reality or across space, and that is how they leave, often instantaneously.
The bare bones of this idea seems thin without more quantum-physics underpinnings – which I am not qualified to adequately express – but the merging of this idea with spiritual/religious beliefs shows striking similarities. First, it gives to material reality a very limited scope of importance. From the UFO perspective, what is the “real” world but a broad and fairly static idea stuck in time? If that is all our physical reality is, of what great importance is death? In fact, we might see death as a great liberator – just as religions often do. However, for death to be a liberation, we might believe that the right thoughts must be in place to replace the “frozen” thoughts of material reality.
Let’s look at this from a Christian perspective:
Imagine you live in the higher sphere of thought. First, there would probably not be a fully separate “you,” as thoughts would be fully exposed, lived and shared, but let’s start with that. You (collective or otherwise) stumble across this frozen or gelled reality (frozen by a certain “sin”?) and see the misery, the suffering and the agony of death. All of this is unnecessary as you know, but how the hell do you get people out of this self-imposed trap? To solve this, let’s say you put yourself in human form and then tell everyone, “Hey, all your selfish nonsense and suffering is unnecessary. Just think this mini-reality away and all will be cool.” That would work if people could just change our reality with thought, but we cannot because we believe fully that this is the real reality. Because of this, you would be put down as a delusional idiot, or some peyote hippie living in Taos, New Mexico.
So you come in at the truth from a different angle. First, you prep the people over many centuries to believe in a higher authority (remember, you are beyond time and death and can change physical reality with a thought). Then you appear in the flesh, as Harry Chapin once said, ‘in the usual way.’ You poop your diapers, drool, learn to speak over several years, and bleed and cry out when wounded. You do all the human things, then finally come on the scene with the truth buried in the code you had been forming over the past centuries. Of course, most don’t believe you even though you heal the sick and raise the dead, so you go along with the plan and suffer torture and death, the realist of the real to humans. Then you come back from the dead. See, you can say, I told you so! If I, who has lived and suffered as a full human, can do it, so can you. The higher reality (of thought) can conquer even the terrible finality of death!
The reader gets the point. We can go on, but our truth is that most don’t truly believe in this religious-based savior. So…enter the UFO’s. We are now a people who believe in the miracles of technology, even as we don’t understand most of it. It just works. So, out of the blue comes a superior technology that sure seems to work, even as it then appears to be only an illusion – or a thought. We are torn. We see, we believe in technology, but where are the nuts and bolts as the UFO’s defy physics even to the point of appearing and disappearing as if only an illusion? As the people of old believed in the harsh finality of torture and death, so we believe in the harsh material reality that can be manipulated by science. But what happens when things appear to go beyond science? However, just like the Good Book prepped the people of old, we have been prepped by the Good Book of Quantum Physics. We are told, though we can’t fully understand, that our reality COULD be just like a dream, and our souls – our being – willed and immortal thoughts. Voila! Saved! If you can believe, that is.
All this is fascinating. Just as the idea of the martyred man-god was sprinkled throughout humanity for millennia, so too is the idea that the world is a dream, and our reality more in line with thought processes and will. Both concepts work in the spiritual realm and both have been used to alter common human consciousness. It might seem to the true believer in the major religions that the UFO people are frauds or nuts, and to those in the religion of UFO’s that the people of standard religions are superstitious and antiquated, but both beliefs are working towards the same end with (theoretically) the same tools: that thought backed by the fullness of faith is reality. As Jesus said, “I assure you, if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you would be able to say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible for you.” (Mathew, 17:20) And so it would be for anyone living in the realm of thought-reality.
I will not proclaim that both are equally correct, but the similarities of both kinds of belief are startling. It does seem that a new techno-religion based on the old beliefs in God and faith is trying to emerge, and maybe, through UFO’s, it will. Maybe our government will allow us greater insight into this phenomena in the coming weeks, as at least kind-of promised. If the emerging reality of UFO’s is truly a new kind of second coming, though, one can be certain that most of our leaders will not understand this. They are leaders because they believe in this world, not another kind of reality. They will be stuck and either hide most evidence because of the fear that this is an unknown beyond their control, or they will have experts rationalize all of this away into “swamp gas.” However, just as the resurrection convinced hundreds, and then millions, of a higher reality, maybe something will come about that will be so overwhelmingly convincing that only the willfully blind will ignore it – just as they once did thousands of years ago.
Or maybe some of our military minds are correct – that the UFO’s are not only real, but have come to “Serve Mankind” – to serve, that is, via a diabolical cook book. After all, higher vibrational realities, including thoughts, aren’t always good.
Either way, good or bad, faith or hard truth, we get to wait and see as life drifts in and out of winter, in and out of death, and our dreams fly out on lights and odd-shaped crafts into the night.